Quebec Muslim MNA under attack from Israel Lobby

“In Canada today, to criticize Israel is a very dangerous thing,” – Kathy Wazana Canadian Jewish filmaker.

On December18, 2010, Quebec Provincial member of parliament MNA Dr. Amir Khadir attended a protest outside Boutique Le Marcheur, a Montreal shoe store that sells Israeli-made products, as a part of a consumer boycott campaign initiated by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement. The protest was organized by Palestinian and Jewish Unity (PAJU).

For this act of moral courage and human-rights, Amir Khadir is being chased by Israeli poodles in the public and Canadian media. It’s the honesty and courage which has made the Tehran-born Amir Khadir (born 1961) the most popular politician in the Canadian province of Quebec. According to a poll conducted for the newspapers Le Devoir and The Montreal Gazette in early December, 2010, established that Khadir was the most popular politician in Québec, with an approval rating of 45 per cent.

Amir’s other acts of ‘anti-Semitism’ include – criticism of the Bush administration’s pro-Israel policies and wars against Muslim countries by throwing his shoes at a picture of the Dubya Bush outside the US Consulate at a protest in Montreal in December 2008. The event was supposed to symbolically replicate Muntadhar al-Zaidi’s actual attempted shoeing of the President earlier in Iraq. Amir and other protesters then headed to the Canadian Forces recruitment centre on Sainte Catherine Street and threw shoes at a photograph of pro-Israel Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Khadir was accused of betraying the “dignity and responsibilities of a MNA,” though Khadir himself says his constituents expected nothing less.

For his acts of defiance to the Israel Lobby – Amir Khadir has been called “an Iranian with Islamic agenda” and his “association” with communism. In fact, Amir Khadir is a secularist who as a youth supported the anti-Islamic Revolution terrorist organization, Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK, PMOI, MKO). The organization was declared a ‘terrorist group’ by the US (in 1997), the EU (in 2002) and Canada (in 2005). It is also listed as a terrorist organization in Iraq and the Islamic Republic. In January 2009, the EU took the group off its terrorist list.

In the mid 1980s Amir took his distance from this organization because he disagreed with their violence against the Iranian regime.

Amir studied medicine at Université Laval, physics at McGill University, and completed postdoctoral studies at the Université de Montréal. As a medical specialist in infectious microbiology, Amir practices at the Centre hospitalier Pierre-Le-Gardeur in Lachenaie. He has led missions to Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Palestinian territories for Médecins du Monde and until 2004 presided over the administrative council of SUCO (Solidarité-Union-Coopération). Khadir is married to Nima Machouf. They have three children, named Daria, Yalda and Leyli.

Amir Khadir, is the only MNA from Quebec solidaire, a minor provincial political party.

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